EU activates new Humanitarian Air Bridge to Goma, Democratic Republic of the Congo.

European Commission
Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO)
News Article, 23 August 2023

The EU has launched a new Humanitarian Air Bridge operation for the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), transporting essential supplies to the city of Goma. They will be used to scale-up the humanitarian response in the eastern part of the country, where the already dire situation keeps deteriorating. To mitigate this situation, the EU is organising two flights from Europe, carrying a total of over 180 tonnes of materials, including health and nutrition supplies. The humanitarian air bridge consists of 2 flights from Europe to Nairobi, from where the supplies are transported to Goma. The first flight to Goma departed from Nairobi today, with a total of 8 such flights scheduled to take place until the end of August 2023. Commissioner for Crisis Management, Janez Lenarčič, said: “The EU remains fully committed to assisting the most vulnerable in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Heeding the UN’s call for a system-wide scale-up across the country, we are launching...
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