The 10-Point Plan: For stronger European coordination on welcoming people fleeing the war from Ukraine.

European Commission
31 March 2022

1. An EU platform for registration An EU platform for registration is necessary to enable Member States to exchange information between them to ensure that people enjoying temporary protection or adequate protection under national law can effectively benefit from their rights in all Member States, while limiting possible abuse. The Commission will present a technical solution that is quickly implementable. EU-LISA will immediately start the necessary technical work to put in place a platform allowing Member States to exchange information on persons registered for temporary protection or adequate protection under national law. The IPCR and the Solidarity Platform, in cooperation with the European Union Asylum Agency (EUAA), will discuss the registration challenges encountered by Member States, for this to feed into the work of EU-LISA. 2. An EU level coordinated approach in relation to the transport and information hubs Member States have put in place transport and information hubs at...
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