Keynote address by Commissioner Johansson at the Schengen Forum.

European Commission
Brussels, 30 November 2020

35 years ago, five countries took a pioneering step.   They agreed to abolish border controls between them. And 25 years ago, the Schengen Agreement, came into force.   It is also an area of prosperity, an area of trust.  We have 26 countries, more than 400 million people that share this area of freedom, security and justice.    Trust means also that we, as good neighbours, don't have to knock before passing by each other's house.  That trust also means to watch out for each other's security.   Now with the coronavirus, this trust has been put to the test.  But I also do think that we will pass this test.  During the crisis of the pandemic, I think we have shown the value of Schengen.   And I think that now when we hopefully soon go into the economic recovery we will also need to see the importance of the free movement and the Schengen area.    40% of the Schengen territory is border regions - 40%.  That means that a lot of people live in an area where crossing...
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