Sudan: European Union provides €30 million in humanitarian assistance.

European Commission
Press Release
Brussels, 1 March 2020

The European Union provides €30 million in humanitarian funding for vulnerable people in Sudan to help address needs in the country. The announcement comes as High Representative/Vice-President, Josep Borrell, visited EU aid projects in El Fasher, North Darfur, one of the conflict-affected areas in Sudan. “The European Union continues to stand in solidarity with the people in need in Sudan. Our humanitarian assistance notably helps children get access to education, which is crucial to build a better future. In time of crisis, it is fundamental that our humanitarian partners can fully exercise their lifesaving job. We welcome the recent positive steps taken by the Sudanese transitional government to ensure this.” Janez Lenarčič, Commissioner for Crisis Management, said: “Helping those most in need is our priority. Our new aid package will provide food and nutritional assistance, shelter, emergency healthcare, access to clean water, and education for children caught in...
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