Turkey: Commission continues humanitarian support for refugees.

European Commission
Press Release
Brussels, 5 March 2020

During a mission to Gaziantep in Turkey, Commissioner for Crisis Janez Lenarčič visited aid projects helping Syrian refugees and met with key partners providing cross-border assistance in Idlib.  Janez Lenarčič, Commissioner for Crisis Management, said:  “The European Union has delivered on its commitment to help the refugees in Turkey. I have heard firsthand from the refugees how important EU aid programmes are for them not only because they help meet their most basic needs but also because it gives them hope by being able to send their children to school. I have reassured them they are not alone. EU is strongly committed to continue to support refugees in Turkey.” Thanks to EU funding, humanitarian partner organisations provide 1.7 million refugees in Turkey with monthly assistance through the Emergency Social Safety Net (ESSN) programme. The EU also funds education programmes, such as ‘Conditional Cash Transfers for Education' (CCTE), benefitting more than 600 000...
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