A draft directive covering entry and residence conditions for highly qualified workers coming from third countries (blue card directive).

26 July

On 26 July, the Permanent Representatives Committee (Coreper) agreed on a mandate for negotiations on a draft directive covering entry and residence conditions for highly qualified workers coming from third countries (blue card directive). Based on this mandate, the Council presidency will start negotiations with the European Parliament. "The purpose of the Blue Card is to attract highly qualified workers to Europe. The number of specialists and economic transformers in the world is limited and the competition for them is strong. Making them choose Europe will strengthen our competitiveness and contribute to economic growth", said Andres Anvelt, minister of interior of Estonia, which currently holds the Council presidency. "A common European residence and work permit that will facilitate and make conditions more flexible is necessary if we want to compete with the American green card or the Canadian point system”, minister Anvelt added. The reform of the blue card directive aims at...
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