Rifugiati ed altri beneficiari della protezione internazionale potranno acquisire lo status di lungosoggiornanti nei Paesi dell’Ue.

Consiglio dell’Unione europea
Bruxelles, 19 novembre 2010

Refugees and beneficiaries of subsidiary protection will be able to acquire long-term resident status in the member states of the EU on a similar basis to other third-country nationals legally living in the EU for more than five years. The Permanent Representatives Committee of the Council of the EU agreed on the necessary amendments to Directive 2003/109/EC, as previously negotiated with the rapporteur of the European Parliament. If the European Parliament confirms its agreement on the text as it now stands at its December plenary session, the Council will adopt the text, resulting in a first reading agreement. Member states will then have to comply with the new rules within two years after the formal adoption which will most likely take place at the beginning of 2011. The UK, Ireland and Denmark are not taking part in the amended directive. Main benefits Beneficiaries of international protection who are granted long-term residents status will, as all other third-country nationals...
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