Abolizione del visto per Albania e Bosnia-Erzegovina.

- Parti estratte -
Main results of the Council In the asylum and migration part of the Council, ministers agreed to grant visa free travel to and throughout the Schengen area for citizens of Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina who are in possession of biometric passports. Ministers also continued work on the Common European Asylum System (CEAS). Interior ministers addressed, among other things, a number of problems in the implementation of the Prüm decisions which concern the automated data exchange of DNA, fingerprints and vehicle registration data. The Council also adopted conclusions on the creation and implementation of a EU policy cycle for organised and serious international crime. The main files discussed by the Mixed Committee (the EU plus Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Switzerland) include: – the development of the Schengen Information System II (SIS II), – the revised rules for the external borders agency FRONTEX, – the revised rules for the immigration liaison officers...
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