Accordo di riammissione Ue-Pakistan.

Consiglio dell’Unione europea
Lussemburgo, 7 ottobre 2010

The Council adopted an agreement between the EU and Pakistan on the readmission of persons staying illegally in their respective territories (8793/09). The main objective of this agreement is to establish, on the basis of reciprocity, rapid and effective procedures for the identification and safe and orderly return of those persons. The agreement will most likely enter into force on 1 December 2010. It will apply only to those persons who entered into the territories of Pakistan and of the EU member states after that date (1). In accordance with the respective protocols to the Lisbon Treaty, the United Kingdom opted to take part in the agreement. Ireland and Denmark are not participating. Own nationals yes - third-country nationals only under certain conditions The agreement covers both readmission of own nationals of the two parties and of thirdcountry nationals or stateless persons. For the latter, readmission can take place only under certain strict conditions. These include that...
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