Islam, Islamismo e Islamofobia in Europa.

Raccomandazione n. 1927 (2010) del Consiglio d’Europa, Assemblea parlamentare

1. Referring to its Resolution 1743(2010)* on Islam, Islamism and Islamophobia, the Parliamentary Assembly emphasises the particular importance for the Council of Europe and its member states of increasing their action in this field. It is a priority task for the Council of Europe under its Statute to work towards ensuring freedom of thought, conscience and religion while combating religious intolerance and discrimination as well as religiously disguised attacks against the values it upholds. Member states should be guided by this Recommendation and Resolution 1743 (2010). 2. In order to construct on a daily basis a democratic society governed by the rule of law and universal human rights, the Council of Europe must step up its efforts to embed those values in the culture of Europe. Cultural and educational action by the Council of Europe is a necessary condition for both European integration based on common values as well as full understanding and respect of human...
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