World Refugee Day: Joint Statement by the European Commission and the High Representative.

European Commission
Brussels, 18 June 2021

No country, no region in the world has been spared from the impact of COVID-19. The virus is exacerbating existing inequalities and has a disproportionate effect on refugees, internally displaced persons, vulnerable migrants and stateless persons. We must all redouble our efforts. As vaccination campaigns are underway in the EU, the EU is working to ensure universal access to COVID-19 vaccines, in particular through the COVAX Facility. 86% of the world's refugees* are hosted in developing countries, which are also facing serious challenges because of the pandemic. Despite these challenges, the pandemic has also brought us together. We have seen countless examples of refugees and their host communities joining efforts and stepping up in the most difficult moments, showing yet again the enormous potential of refugees to flourish in their new homes, when given enough support. It is our responsibility to support refugees as well as host countries in this difficult context. We assist in...
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