Speech of the Prime-minister of Romania on the occasion of the launching of the Romanian Presidency at the Council of the European Union.

10 January 2019

Mr. President Juncker,Mr. President Tusk,Mr. President Tajani,Mr. President Iohannis,Mr. President of the SenateMr. Vice-president of the Chamber of Deputies,Esteemed guests,Ladies and gentlemen, I have the honor and joy to bid you welcome to Bucharest today! I thank you for your presence at this event where we mark an important moment for Romania: the launching of the Presidency of the Council of the European Union. For me, this is a particular emotional moment, because, today, in this very special situation for my country, I have the honor to speak of the behalf of my compatriots. I have the honor to speak on the behalf of Romania, which for six months, starting today, will sit with dignity at the table where important decisions of the EU are taken. Today, Romanians are represented within the Presidency at the Council of the EU and hold a well-deserved place in Europe, the place where it receives the same respect, the same rights and the same benefits that all other European citizens...
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