Italy will not be on its own.

Press release by Commission President Juncker
at the joint press conference with the Heads of State or Government attending the preparatory meeting for the G-20
Berlin, 29 June 2017

Thank you Angela. This morning we had a good discussion even though some of us arrived late because we were caught in the Berlin rain. We talked very intensively about trade issues; that is important for G20. I reported on the progress we have made in the negotiations with Japan and with Canada. There are still a few sticking points. I have therefore sent the European Agriculture Commissioner and the Trade Commissioner to Japan so that these discussions can be concluded before the summit between the European Union and Japan on 6 July. The trade agreement with Japan, if it materialises, is important. And I am assuming that it will materialise. It will fully comply with all European rules, requirements and standards. We are in the process of getting the free trade agreement with Canada into a shape in which it can come into force on a provisional basis. Again, there are still a few problems that we will be solving over the next few days. We listened closely to the Italian Prime...
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